You are unique !

The bouquet You are Unique ! is composed only of beautiful white roses with big buttons and 1 single red rose in the center.


(0 customer reviews)

From 78.07 $

  • Number of roses

    Price of a long stem rose : 7,90 Chf

    Number of roses

    Price of a long stem rose : 7.50 Chf

    Standard delivery FREE!

  • Choose a card

    ( Please do not use the smiley face <3 or the sign < in the card text )

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    please check the box above to go to the next step.
  • Join a photo

    Click on the "Select a photo" button and choose the photo of your choice.
    Your photo will be attached with your card, a wonderful surprise.
    Format: 10X15cm. Paper and Photo Quality !
    Attach a personalized photo
SKU: tu-es-unique-stval Categories: , , , , , , ,
Vaud-Fleurs, delivery of quality flowers !

The bouquet You are Unique ! is composed only of beautiful white roses with big buttons and 1 single red rose in the center.


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