All bouquets of the SAINT-VALENTIN category are available on February 13th – 14th – 15th, 2021.

All bouquets are available on February 13 – 14 – 15, 2021.

Time remaining before D-day
Sunday February 14, 2021.

THE bouquet of this Valentine’s Day

Tu es Unique

You are unique !

The bouquet is composed only of beautiful white roses with large buds and 1 single red rose in the center.

From 72.- CHF


As you know, we favor the maximum quality of roses for Valentine’s Day.
For this reason, we limit to 500 orders in order to guarantee everyone the best service, as usual.
We do not have an unlimited stock of roses.

Once the number of orders is reached, NO additional orders will not be accepted !

It’s up to you, pre-order your bouquet today to guarantee you a beautiful Valentine’s Day,
wait, wait, wait … until it’s too late